Sunday, January 28, 2007

I believe because:

I'm always interested in why people chose their religious beliefs:

it's what my parents taught me to believe and I don't want to upset them

It's what everyone does and I want to fit in

I can't be bothered looking into anything else, this is the most convenient path

it helps me get through life's problems

there are millions who believe the same thing so it must be right

because it's the truth and it has been verified

I wish truth was easier to find and accept.


sara said...

May peace be upon your soul, heart, mind & body.. Amen.

Well, I was born a muslim, but I've always thought, why not check other beliefs? Why not give it a shot? Just to make sure I'm on the right track.. That urge increased around the age of 13; ninth grade I had a classmate called Raymond who was a guitar player in his church choir. He would always fill me in on what goes on at church and how much fun it is in their weekly masses, and would ask me if we had anything similar..

In my senior year of high school I started re-searching about different religions.. After high school I went to mountain state university of west Virginia’s branch in Abu Dhabi and met up with more multi racial people (Hindus, Bosnians, Americans, Arabs, etc). By interacting with those people I got to know the beauty and deepness of our religion in comparison to theirs.

And made me BELIEVE.. Believe because I did my part..

Hope you get to do your part & believe.. Not because of your folks, or peers, or whatever.. Believe 'cuz you believe.. That's the sweetest thing a man could taste..

I truly wish you, me & all the best in this life & the next.. And hope you taste the sweetness of believing :)

With respect,

Egyptian dust said...

thankyou very much for your lovely words. I was born into a 'christian' family and I got really fed up of being forced to go to church when I did not believe in what I was doing. I had several forays into agnosticism and searched out islam, read a little about polytheistic religions and finally totally despaired fell down on my knees and cried out to God. I cried out to him over a long time and said: i don't know if you're there but if you are please show me who you are and show me what truth is, what the point of living is. one wish was to believe truth that is God inspired.

sara said...

May the Lord Almighty fulfill this beautiful wish of yours..
Sincerity is the key..

Яαgιи Яαvєи said...

Yeah I went through that myself. To believe in something is completely different. To have the ability and the time to seek truth and not take full advantage of that can't be right. And I'm not just talking about religion here.
Well, I looked into different religions myself and wouldn't mind giving you a couple tips if you're interested.
Well.. my email's on my profile. Worst case scenario.. I'll tip you on how to find cool blog templates. ;)

Egyptian dust said...

thanks ragin, if that's your name :)

thankyou, but I have come to know God. I know what the truth is!