Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Truth vs. Arab mentality

We egyptians /arabs don't want to know truth half the time. We are brought up all our lives to believe that what has been believed by generations past and what is socially acceptable is truth. Try to show anyone the light in correcting false views and you get the 'di 3a2la ta3baan' (not thinking straight) deal from them. The right thing to do is what has always been done and to do differently would mean that you are unegyptian, metamraka (americanised), unchristian, unmuslim etc. Being anyone of those is certainly not a good thing as it is within your own that you find acceptance and without your own you're pretty much on your own. Many a person has found himself without family and friends for embracing truths contrary to popular belief. I think this is what condemns our society to never improving because noone seeks truth. IF you don't know truth, then how will you know what is right and what is wrong? Let's bury our head in the sand and go into denial or let's believe rumours instead or intentionally make up things. Truth is not a priority but rather a hindrance that should be disposed of.

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